5 Simple Ways to Mitigate Against Computer Viruses
In this day and age, computer viruses are almost as numerous as the number of websites on the internet.
Three Signs You’re Paying More Than You Should for IT Services and Support
One of the most common questions prospects ask is “what do you guys charge?”. What we hear is “will you be over charging me?”
Does Social Media Really Work in Generating Leads and Growing Your Business? What Every Small Business Needs to Know
Social media is the newest SEO monster. Many businesses are jumping on the bandwagon and rushing to get a social media presence on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any of the other sharing websites....

Don't Fall for Phishing Lures
If you hold any personal information on any internet site, and I can guarantee that you do, you should know that you are at risk to a very particular type of scam called phishing.
Do Great Work with Office 365, Even When There's No Internet
We know that small businesses need flexibility to do great work - which means being able to get stuff done with an Internet connection, or even without it.
Always Know Where You Stand
One of the biggest differentiators we have among our competitors is that we are constantly assessing our clients’ environment. Once a month, for most clients, we are on site ensuring all systems an...

Why Your Old Phone Won’t Hack It
There is nothing more certain than change. And nothing has changed how people work more than the rapidly evolving technology of the last two decades. The way employees work and how companies approa...

Nap Your Way to Success with These 5 Tips
A few years ago, being discovered taking a nap at work would have resulted in instant dismissal. These days, snoozing at work is no longer the preserve of security guards in heist movies. Recent re...

Using Phone Metrics to Make Better Decisions
We are in the era of big data and decisions based on that data. As they say, better data makes for better decisions, and with all the data available to us now, the decisions we make are less risky ...

Three Ways VoIP Can Improve Productivity in Your Business
Up until fairly recently staying connected meant being logged into your desktop or laptop. A tablet and smartphone were with you at all times to ensure you could always be contacted and could easil...

Smart Cyber Security Practices for a Dangerous Online World
If you don’t think your small business is at risk, you haven’t been paying attention. Data breaches are everywhere, and the bad guys are increasingly targeting small businesses.
Early Adopters Get the Worm
Recently, the US Chamber of Commerce and other organizations have been studying the “Tech Gap”, or the effects of adopting new technologies.
Stress-Busting Tips for People Who Work Long Hours at the Computer
It’s the start of National Stress Awareness month and the stress of working at the computer for many hours per day can kink a person up without you realizing it. it’s easy to feel sore and cramped ...

How to Ensure Outsourcing Success
Have you ever have had a working relationship that ended on a sour note? If you said no, congratulations, you’re a bonafide miracle. Outsourcing has a higher potential of this for many reasons, but...

How Safe is Your Data with Office 365?
The cloud can be a dubious space. We’ve not come out of the wild west era of the cloud as we’re still doing quite a bit of pioneering and establishing rules as we go. At the same time, much like th...